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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Things that Go Bump...

So, on Monday I was very tired. I played nurse all day Sunday, I had a hard work out that morning, I had done chores, and I had waited and entertained Will in the doctor's office waiting area for an hour. When I got home I was beat. I got Scott to acquiesce to take care of Will for an hour or so so I could get in a little nap. Besides being awakened by the phone ringing several times, just as I was about to fall asleep, I hear a pip!, a couple more pips! and not a second later a thud! "What in the world?" I thought to myself and rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. I thought, "Surely Scott is not shooting at squirrels in the backyard. He is supposed to be feeding Will his dinner!"

Later, after my "nap" (which never really happened), as we were eating our meal, Scott told me that the dogs killed a squirrel in the backyard. I said, "Did you shoot it?" to which he sheepishly replied "Yes. He was eating our nuts," (we have a pecan tree in our backyard). I said, "So, did you kill it?" and he said he only injured it. He meant to just scare it, but his aim was a little too good (he was using a pellet gun, by the way). The squirrel was hit in the leg, tried to jump onto the house from the tree it was in, and missed. Did I mention that said tree is right outside my bedroom window, and the part of the house the rodent was trying to jump on was right above my head? The dogs seized this opportunity to mangle the poor creature. So yes, the dogs did kill the squirrel, but Scott helped a great deal. Poor little squirrel. I guess he shouldn't have been eating our nuts :(


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