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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

New Things

With the beloved "Softie" or "Baby Bear"

A few new things about Will...

1. He loves to say his name. He says it in a sing-songy voice, "Whee-ill, Whee-ill..." Quite funny. Today when he woke up from his nap, he was just sitting in is crib singing his name to himself.

2. He knows several animals and the sounds they make. When you ask him what a chicken says, he will sometimes "cluck" his tongue. His word for monkey is "mama." I'm not sure how to take that one yet.

3. This weekend, while alone with his dad, Will realized that Scott had a scrape on his knee. He pointed to Scott's knee and said "Ow?" and gave him a kiss.


4. Another thing about Dad--Will has stopped calling him "Dada" and started calling him "Dado" (daa-doh). Why he is doing this, we do not know. It's pretty funny, though. Also, whenever Scott isn't around (and this was even before I left for the weekend), Will will say, "Dado, work?" because I told him one time that Daddy had to go to work and that was why he wasn't here. So even this morning when Scott was still in bed and Will was eating his breakfast, he kept asking me if Dado was a work. Aww. He sure does love his daddy.

5. One of the cutest things he has started doing lately is when he sees a picture of a lion or a tiger in a book, he will say, "Rarrr," in a perfect little boy roaring sound. I really need to get that on video tape soon before he changes the way he does it. I haven't had luck with video in the past, but maybe I can get it right and post it sometime.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take the video whether or not you can post it. You'll be glad you did in years to come.

He's getting so big, saying all those cute words. What a fun age!

1:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cute. He looks like a little man in those pictures. I'm jealous that he is saying so many words. Our ped tells us not to worry but when I read about babies 5 months younger saying so many more, I cant help to. Is there something you do to teach Will? I'm just wondering if there is something differant I havent tried yet.

8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to thank you for your comment. I think sometimes I just get fusterated because Tanner doesnt talk. Notice I put doesnt, because I just think he is stubborn and doesnt want to. Thank you again. Will is an adorable little boy!!

7:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So CUTE!!!

5:54 PM  

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