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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Surgery Pictures, etc.

Here are a couple of before and after pictures of Will's surgery (finally!). For those who didn't know, Will had a small procedure done last Thursday. He is doing great!


Here is Will in the holding area before surgery. This was taken at about 7:30 in the morning, so he was tired anyway. He is the type of kid who always wants to be walking around and getting into things--he almost never lets you just sit and hold him. So, you can tell that he was very tired because of the early hour, and a little dopey from the tylenol-codine-? medication they had given him.

This is Will after surgery. He had probably been out of surgery for at least two hours by this point. We were just waiting for him to get discharged and had already changed him back into his pajama top. If you look closely at his foot, you can see the IV coming out the top of his sock. He was so sleepy! When we finally got home (around 12:15), he crashed for about three hours. Thank you to all who prayed to the Father on his behalf.

Will is doing great...he is just walking around and talking up a storm. He knows almost 100 words...he doesn't pronounce them all of them well, but he definitely knows them. He is starting to walk less like Frankenstein and more like a real person :) He is also able to walk more quickly (almost like a little run). He changes daily! If I can, I will post some of the most recent professional pictures we had done of Will (that is, if Blogger will let me!!).

God bless~~Lauren :)


Blogger April Carrasco said...

I am glad everything went smoothly. Poor little guy!

9:27 PM  

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