Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, July 28, 2006



I'm starting to hear that a lot. Will has learned the word no, and what it means. He often says no to me or Scott when we say something he doesn't want to hear. He also uses this word when he is playing with something with which he knows he shouldn't. It's quite comical in a way.

I started a list of the words he can say the other day. They include, but are not limited to: mama, dada, dog, book, ball, car, cow, Bible, phone, light, milk, more, no, bye-bye, cool/cold, wow, poop, flower, star, circle, shoe, and cat. Some he still can't pronounce very well, but he is definitely saying them. It is quite fun to watch him learn new words and how to form them. He's getting to be such a little boy! Soon he will be talking in complete sentences.

To close...some more pictures of Will walking, this time with out furniture nearby:


Blogger Terri said...

+ toes, nose, eye, pool and Kendall (though sounds like "daddle"), and juice. He is such a smartie if I do say so my nana self!

6:02 PM  
Blogger Lauren said...

He can also say 'mouth,' and he points to the parts of the face when he says the part. Actually, he more like sticks his finger in your eye, nose, and mouth...but you get the picture.

12:08 AM  

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