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Sunday, July 30, 2006

3 Things for Will

Will's first list...

3 Nicknames:
Willie (what Ryland calls him)
Willard (what Rick, our preacher, calls him)
William Wallace (what our youth group boys call him)

3 People That Make Me Laugh:
Really just about anyone who smiles or laughs at me

3 Things I Love:
My softie

3 Things I Hate:
Having my diaper changed
Getting my face cleaned after eating
Being told "no"

3 Things I Don't Understand:
Why I cannot touch the DVD player/stereo/anything that is electronic
Why I cannot scream in restaurants or in church
Why every 4-legged animal is not a cow

3 Things On My Floor:
My big bed mattress
My ride-on Corn Popper toy
A big basket of toys

3 Things I'm Doing Right Now:
Hugging my softie

3 Things I Can Do:
Eat big people food

3 Things I Cannot Do (yet):
Talk in complete sentences
Use the potty
Dress myself

3 Ways to Describe My Personality:

3 Absolute Favorite Foods:
Sweet potatoes

3 Foods I do NOT like:
Del Monte green beans
Any baby food with rice flavoring
Any baby food with chunks (Stage 3)

3 Beverages I Drink Regularly:

3 Shows I Watch:
Baby Einstein's Baby McDonald
Baby Einstein's Baby Mozart
Baby Einstein's Baby Monet

3 Boys I tag:
Ian P.
Kyle M.

3 Girls I tag:
Mackenzie P.
Madi M.

...or anyone else who wants to do it!



Well, Will got his first major spanking today (that I administered, that is). We were at the Malletts' house and were about to leave but Will snuck away from me and started to crawl into Ryland's bedroom (I had just removed him from there a few seconds prior). He got quite angry and screamed at me. He also bit me, and quite intentionally, I must say. I still have the bite marks, more than an hour and a half later. My natural instincts kicked in and I spanked his leg. Oh, how he wailed. Oh, how it broke my heart! I hated to do that, but he bit me! Hard!! I will definitely have a bruise. Anyway, just a little side note for today.

I posted a few other things this weekend on both blogs, so be sure and scroll down to see what you might have missed! And to those anxiously awaiting the video of Will's first steps, I am still working on it. Google isn't being as cooperative as I'd hoped. Maybe when Scott gets back from his "guy trip" to Six Flags, we can get it figured out!


Blogger Kathy said...

Oh, I'm so sorry you had that awful experience this weekend! It's different to punish from this perspective, isn't it? I never knew how much my parents' hearts were breaking any time they had to punish me.

By the way, thanks for doing that meme for Will. I thought it was so cute and couldn't wait to do it for Patrick!

10:21 PM  
Blogger Lauren said...

You're welcome, Kathy. It was fun :)

It really is hard to punish your kids. You don't want to, but it's really discipline, and you're doing it out of love. Just to give everyone a better idea of how hard he bit me, It is now 11:15pm and I still have whelps from his teeth on my arm! He bit me just before 8:00. Wow, he does have some chompers.

11:22 PM  
Blogger Kathy said...

Patrick bit my shoulder yesterday too. I think he was just giving me a kiss, but most kisses don't involve teeth. I still have the red marks on my shoulder today, a full 24 hours later. I probably should have spanked him or punished him in some way, but I was too shocked at the time. I was afraid I was going to punish him out of anger and not discipline. So instead I did nothing. Next time--I'm sure there will be a next time--I'll have to do something about it.

1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh, Will!! I wish I could have seen his face when you spanked his leg. But you know what, you have to do it, cause nobody likes a biter and once they start they'll keep it up, unless they're stopped. So, sorry Will, mama had to do it; this was a grandma approved spanking...

5:45 PM  

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