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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Bad Booty

Okay, friends and family members, mommies, daddies, grandmas, and grandpas...

I need help!!! Will came home from "school" last week with a really bad diaper rash. Now, he's had redness before, but nothing like this. The skin is actually broken in a couple of places and it is spreading. It is even starting to swell in some places. Over the course of the last week it has gotten better, and worse, better and worse. Today he got back from school and he is literally red everywhere. I don't know what it he possibly allergic to the wipes they are using at CDO? Are they not putting on cream? Are they putting on cream when his booty is still too wet from the wipes? Tonight it was so bad that when I changed his diaper he screamed and kicked so violently that it took about 3 or 4 minutes to actually wipe him. Then, when I tried to put him in a little soak to clean him more thoroughly, he freaked out and would not even sit in the water. He is really in a bad way! I think I am going to have to call the doctor in the morning if it hasn't imporved overnight (I let it dry as much as possible before putting Aveeno diaper rash ointment on him). Please help with your suggestions on diaper rash ointments, treatment, what you would do in the situation, etc...Thanks!



Thank you, Heather, for your suggestions. I did end up taking Will to the doctor this morning (Thurs.) as he wasn't much better. He does in fact have a yeast infection, so it's good we went. She gave us some special medicated ointment and told us to let him run around naked as often as possible (that ought to be interesting). We're hoping this will clear it all up and we'll have a normal booty once more.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know it sounds crazy, but let him run around without a diaper for a couple of hours. Granted you will have to watch for when he pees. But I swear it works. Tanner use to get diaper rashes like that and when we let the air get to it, it always looked better in a few hours. But its still a good idea to call the the doc to make sure its not a yeast infection. (I didnt know little boys could get them). There is also this cream you can get at the pharmacy and they keep it behind the counter even though its not prescribtion called Landers its wonderful. Hope that helps a little. I really hope it gets better soon.

7:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor thing! That should be fun to have a little jaybird around your house for the next few days. Let's hope you don't have too many unexpected visitors! :)

2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad I could offer some help. I hope he is getting back to his self now.

7:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Booty is such a fun word. I think you should have named this post "booty call"....... glad the booty is better!

2:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. this anonymous was your mom

5:49 PM  
Blogger Larissa said...

I am just now reading this, b/c I forget to read your family blog. I did not know that boys can get yeast infections. Madi got one, one time. It was so horrible. I kept putting diaper rash cream on it, and it just kept getting worse. But I had no idea that the same thing can happen to boys! How interesting!

8:45 AM  

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