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Monday, September 25, 2006

Health Report

Will's booty is recovering nicely. Each day it looks better. Thanks again for all the advice.

If you read my other blog (Life and Laughter), you'll know that Will was sick on Friday and a little on Saturday. He is doing better but still hasn't gotten his regular appetite back yet. Today he ate better than he did all weekend. We cut his hair tonight and put him to bed early tonight as he had a pretty long day of playing and waiting around in the doctor's office (see below).

Today we took Will to the doctor who did his surgery for a follow-up appointment. After waiting for right at an hour, we saw the doctor for a total of about three or four minutes. He said everything looks great. Yea! Hopefully that is something we won't have to worry about ever again. I'm just so happy to have that all behind us. Thanks for all your prayers on his behalf.


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