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Monday, March 26, 2007

Pictures from the Last Few Days

Since Will has been in his big boy bed, he can get out of it when he pleases and get into our bed (usually this occurs around 5:00 or 6:00 am--yea!). He then finds it necessary to sprawl out as much as possible giving Scott or I (whoever is the lucky one of the day) about 10 inches of space in our king size bed to sleep on. Scott captured this the other morning while Will and I were still asleep.
Our cutie-pie
Rockin' out
A favorite "toy;" the fertilizer, which he refers to as "tractor"
Chillin' out on the back porch in his own Will-sized chair

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Saturday, March 17, 2007

21 Weeks

The belly bump at 21 weeks, 4 days

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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Big Boy Room

While he hasn't officially moved in, here are a few pictures of Will's new "big boy" room (Baby Sister will be moving into the nursery in July). He loves playing in here and that has been nice because it has gotten all of his toys out of our den! I still have a few things to finish up in here, like putting up shelves and a few pieces of artwork. The pillows that go on the bed were with him while he was napping when I took these pictures, so that is why there are none on the bed :)

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In the Middle of the Night

On Tuesday night, we converted Will's crib into a toddler bed, hoping it would help him transition to a "real" bed (which we already have set up for him in another room). The past few nights have gone a little better than expected, but still, it has been interesting. We have been closing his door all the way when we put him in bed so he can't just come out of the room, but before we go to bed, we open the door so he can get to us in the morning and what-not. When we opened the door last night, this is what we found:

We decided to go ahead and put him in the bed (just so you don't think we made him sleep on the floor all night!). It has been interesting waking up in the mornings to a little voice at the foot of the bed instead of over the monitor. The past two mornings it has been an exclamation of "Daddy!" that has woken me out of my peaceful slumber and into sheer panic. It's just not what I expect to wake up to! Yesterday morning, he was kind and woke us up a little after 8:00. Today it was before 7:00. Hmm...I'm not so sure I like this whole gaining independence thing.

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Monday, March 05, 2007

Baby #2 is a...

...girl! Well, at least there is an 80% chance that it's a girl. I'm still kind of scared to believe it myself. I wish they could be a little more definite. However, I definitely did not see a "turtle," and it did look much more like girl parts than boy parts. We are excited! I now have to do a lot of looking at all the wonderfully cute girl items out there to choose what I want for the nursery. There are just too many things to choose from, if you ask me! I've been doing some surfing on eBay today already.

In other news, we got Will's new big boy room painted this weekend and somewhat put together. His new bed is good to go and valances are hung. We do need to do a few touch-ups around the room, though. We are still waiting on a rug I ordered that will hopefully look really cute and pull it together. Thanks, Mom, for all your help. We really enjoyed having you here!

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Thursday, March 01, 2007

"Daddy Shoes"

Scott and I recently noticed that it has gotten exceedingly difficult to put Will's shoes on him. On our way home from Children's Day Out yesterday, Will and I stopped by the shoe store to see how his feet were growing. Sure enough, he has moved up a size! We were looking at shoes when suddenly Will spotted some Airwalk clogs (similar to Crocs) like his daddy's. And these were his favorite color--blue! He was so excited, we had to get them. He calls them his "Daddy shoes!" This morning, the first thing he wanted to do was put on those shoes. So, here he is in just a bodysuit and the shoes. It was so funny, I had to take a picture. The second picture is of him reading his favorite book, Cars.

~By the way, I've heard Scott telling Will at least twice in the last few minutes that he needs to put his shoes away because it's time to lay down for a nap. Too funny!

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