Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Will looked right at Scott on Saturday and said "Dada." He's done it again a couple of times. He has also looked straight at Frank and said "duh." It's so cute. We're still working on "mama," "dada," "book," "dog," etc. It's so funny when we say "mama," he'll look at me and say "mmba." I don't know if that means "mama" to him or what, but it's really cute. He just looks at us as if to say, "I'm saying it right!!"

Another funny thing that happened yesterday--Scott brought Will up to his office and when it was time for Will's nap, he put him in the playpen/crib in the cradle roll room a few doors down from his office. He went to check on him a few minutes later and Will was just playing quietly with his "softie" blanket. So Scott left. He went to check on him again a few minutes later. He said Will was leaning up against the side of the playpen (still sitting up) asleep. He was doing the whole "I'm-not-really-asleep" head nod. He just wanted to be awake and play!

It seems that Will just cannot get fully well. He was running fever again this morning. Please pray for him to finally recover completely. We just want him to feel good for once! He's such a good baby, though...even when he's sick he is so good. We are truly blessed! Hopefully, we'll be able to see an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist soon and figure out what we need to do to make our boy well. Thanks for your prayers.


Scott took Will to the doctor this morning and he has his "official" fourth ear infection in four months time. They are working on getting us in to see an ENT soon. He is on antibiotics again (he just got off them on Friday!) and she also prescribed ear drops and Singulair. We shall see how this all goes. Please pray that we can get an appointment with the ENT soon! Thanks~


Blogger Terri said...

What a sweet little voice! Doesn't it just melt your heart :) Wanting to play and not miss anything sounds like YOU as a baby! So sad about the ear infection, our poor baby,it has been one thing after another. Maybe now he'll feel better (after tubes). Will's Nana~~~

11:27 PM  

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