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Monday, March 13, 2006


Our precious boy is sick again. This time the culprit is pneumonia! The doctor had chest x-rays done this morning and said it looked bad enough to call it pneumonia. Poor baby boy! Please keep him in your prayers. He is such a good baby--you'd hardly be able to tell he feels bad most of the time. I talked to Nana Terri (my mom) and she is going to try to come and stay with him this week. Hopefully that will work out.

On to better news--my brother is officially done with high school! He received his GED scores on Saturday and passed everything! Woo hoo! We are so excited and proud of him. He's been working toward this goal for a little over a year and his hard work has paid off. He passed it all on his first try :) Congratulations, Kendall!! He is planning on attending Texas State Technical College in the fall. One day soon he might be your trusted automotive technician!


Blogger Life in the Herman House said...

Hey Prathers,
We're sorry Will is so sick - I can't imagine how hard and scary that must be for all of you. We're praying for him to get better!!! We love you!!
shannon and Audrey (and Jason too)

8:46 PM  
Blogger Terri said...

Our poor baby :( I'm so sad he's sick again. Give him lots of sugars and hugs from Nana since I couldn't come take care of him myself. xxxxxooooo Will's Nana

10:12 AM  

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