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Saturday, February 25, 2006

Cozy in My Cow Towel

I finally got some really good pictures of Will's teeth. Here he is after his bath all cozy in his "cow towel" that our dear friend Kara made for him. Isn't it cute? Not quite as cute as the baby in it, though!

Even if you can't quite tell, he has a total of four teeth, now. Three on the bottom and one on top. We're pretty sure that more are going to be poking their little heads through soon, though.

On Monday, Will weighed 16 lbs, 5.4 oz. He has been saying "ma ma" and "da da" indiscriminately a lot lately. He is also working on standing and pulling up. He's still doing an army-type crawl; he hasn't gotten up on his hands and knees yet. It will come soon enough!


Blogger Terri said...

So sweet & cuddly. Looks like a fun family night.xxxooo

8:48 PM  
Blogger Terri said...

He is SOOOO cute, we are SOOOO blessed to be his grandparents!!!!

3:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All these cute pictures sure make me anxious to have my own little guy to hold and cuddle!

10:34 AM  

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