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Monday, March 20, 2006

"I got my hairs cut!"

Here are some pictures of his very first haircut! He didn't have a lot of hair on top, but it was getting pretty long on the neck and around the ears. He did really well and didn't cry a bit! The hair dresser in the picture is Kay Bailey, one of the sweetest ladies at our church.

Also, Will is feeling a lot better. He is still coughing a bit, but is definitely on the mend. Thanks for all your prayers on his behalf.

Will is getting to be very moblie. He seems to be getting into everything on floor-level! He is still army-crawling, but gets up on his hands and knees a lot more often. Most of the time he just sits there like that and won't move anywhere, but I really think he is close to crawling on all fours. He is also starting to try and climb and pull on things, so we're not far from that milestone either. He is just growing and changing every single day. There is never a dull moment in our world!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you get the "My First Haircut" certificate and lock of hair? Kay is so wonderful. She's amazing at cutting kid's hair. He just looks so grown up now. So exciting.

8:11 AM  
Blogger Terri said...

He looks so grown-up!!! :( It's going by too fast......

4:53 AM  

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