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Monday, October 16, 2006

Cute Things

This morning we were able to get some pictures of Will at the piano in his diaper. They aren't the best pictures, but they are too cute not to share :)

We had to give Will a bath in the middle of the day today. He had just woken from a nap and was very adament about wanting his "bear" with him in the tub. We didn't feel like putting up a fight with him about it, so we let him have his bear in the bathtub this one time. It was so funny that I had to get some pictures of it.

I threw the bear in the dryer (after exchanging it for the dry blue one, of course) after the bath, and it's good as new. It even smells like a baby!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE the pictures........ the piano ones are my favorite along with the looking at bear lovingly, like a future proud daddy... Thanks for sharing!

10:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sooo adorable! I love the one where it looks like he fell asleep on the piano.

2:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still loving these pictures of our boy, they never fail to make me smile :))) What a precious one he is....

5:12 PM  

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