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Thursday, March 01, 2007

"Daddy Shoes"

Scott and I recently noticed that it has gotten exceedingly difficult to put Will's shoes on him. On our way home from Children's Day Out yesterday, Will and I stopped by the shoe store to see how his feet were growing. Sure enough, he has moved up a size! We were looking at shoes when suddenly Will spotted some Airwalk clogs (similar to Crocs) like his daddy's. And these were his favorite color--blue! He was so excited, we had to get them. He calls them his "Daddy shoes!" This morning, the first thing he wanted to do was put on those shoes. So, here he is in just a bodysuit and the shoes. It was so funny, I had to take a picture. The second picture is of him reading his favorite book, Cars.

~By the way, I've heard Scott telling Will at least twice in the last few minutes that he needs to put his shoes away because it's time to lay down for a nap. Too funny!

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Blogger Life in the Herman House said...

wow he is getting so big!! I wish he and Audrey could meet, that would be so fun!!
Audrey is finally walking! It is about time!!

Love you Lauren, thanks for the birthday wishes!!

10:25 AM  

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