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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Monkey Boy

This actually happened a couple of weeks ago, but I was relaying the story to Scott the other day, and he just laughed and said that I needed to write it down somewhere. So, I thought I'd write it here. Will and I were looking at some pictures of friends and family members and he saw this one:

This incredibly sweet photo was taken in July of 2005, when Will was 2 months old. I love this picture! He, however, looked at it and said, "Monkey!" I just laughed! How sad that he thinks that he looked like a monkey at that age. I think he's pretty cute, myself. Anyway, just another fun Will story for ya :)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hilarious, out of the mouths of babes! and your kissing the monkey's back!!! I love this picture, too and I'm sure he will grow up to appreciate it, as well :)

7:59 PM  

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