Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Okay, I usually try not to brag about Will, because I don't want anyone out there reading this feeling bad about their own kid, or think that I am one of those moms who can't stop talking about how smart their kid is. That said, my kid is really really smart. Since he is my first kid, everything he does is quite normal to me. Sure, I've been around my friends' kids, but not 24/7. Will quite frankly amazes me sometimes at the things he picks up on. For instance, today I picked him up from Children's Day Out and took him back up to the flower shop where I work part-time. Several of the people I work with hadn't met him yet, so I thought it was a good opportunity. We were chatting in the back work room and Will looks up and says, "Balloon!" Okay, I know you're thinking, "so what?" Well, the "so what" is this...the balloon said "Happy Birthday" on it and he started naming just about all the letters on the balloon.

Will loves to "read" books, and several of his books are about the alphabet. We've been reading these to him since he was pretty young. He also has a Sesame Street dvd about the alphabet. So, to me, it's pretty normal that he knows all these letters. But all the people I work with were amazed. "How old is he?" they asked. He's 20 months. Now, maybe he's not as smart as some kids out there, but I think he's pretty special. He can say just about anything we say, and knows exactly what we are talking about (to an extent). He also knows several of his numbers. I asked him yesterday how many feet he had and he said "Two!" without even really thinking about it.

This is probably one of two or three times that I am going to brag on my kid on here, but I am just so proud of him. He is really special in so many ways. Isn't it great to be a mom and have wonderful, darling children? I know we all have those moments when we just look at our children and think, "Isn't he/she perfect? Isn't he/she just the cutest thing in the whole world?"



Blogger John, Kisti, Maren & Silas Felps said...

That is truly amazing, and that's coming from the mom of the smartest girl on earth! :) Hee-hee!
It also shows what good parents you are, working with him on his numbers and letter already! I have no doubt he's be brilliant!:) God could give no greater gift!

11:59 PM  
Blogger John, Kisti, Maren & Silas Felps said...

Correction..."he's", instead of "he's be". Oops! Maybe I need you to teach me my letters again!

12:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course, he's brilliant! :) Really, he knew 150 words when he was 14 months old, he said his first sentence at 19 months old ("get it Nana!"). It's O.K. to admit he is smart cause that's a fact (though we would love him even if he wasn't, cause he's our #1 Grandson!).

8:05 PM  

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