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Monday, May 22, 2006

Crazy Kid

Saturday was a long and busy day. Actually, it all started Friday night. Scott and I went about 30 miles north to Ackerly to attend one of our senior's graduation ceremonies. We left Will with one of our youth moms for the evening so we didn't have to drag him all the way out there just to make him be quiet and still for an hour. The graduation didn't start til 8:00, so it was a late night. By the time we got Will home and in bed, it was almost 11:00. On Saturday, we all went to Midland to do a little shopping and go to the Rockhounds (minor league baseball) game. It was soooo hot!! Again, it was another late night. I snapped this picture of Will in the car on the way home being his goofy little self. He and I were playing peek-a-boo with his softie (the blue thing on his head) and he just decided to leave it there for several minutes. It was quite funny. We had fun on the way home keeping him awake (he desperately needed a bath as the next day was church day). Anyway, I just had to share this cute and funny picture.

It was a busy weekend as usual. Scott had two meetings yesterday before evening service and Will was in a not-so-great mood. It must have been the lack of sleep from the two previous nights getting to him. He is catching up on it today, though. He is already down for his third nap of the day right now. He has probably slept a total of 5 or 6 hours in naps today. Wow...I wish I could do that. Today he is running a little fever from the shots he had last Monday. They said to expect one anywhere between 3 to 14 days after the shots. It should only last about 24 hours. That might also explain the extra-sleepiness.

Last night we got to see our friends, the Holts. Kathy is a fellow LCU-er who we reconnected with through blogging. We had a good time catching up in person. I had met her husband Matt, and son, Patrick, when Will and I visited Houston a few months back. This time, they were in Big Spring (where Matt is from) for a wedding. We had a great time visiting and reminiscing about our days at LCU. We hope to get to see them again before they leave town on Wednesday.

Today was my last Monday at work!! Next Monday is a school holiday for Memorial Day--woo-hoo! Only 7 more days of school and 8 more days of work. Then, let the summer begin :)


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