Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, April 24, 2006


No, I'm not referring to the tree creatures from The Lord of the Rings...I'm talking about the Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor visit we had this morning!

The doctor was very nice and said that Will was one of the most cooperative 11 month-olds he'd ever encountered. That made us feel good! He looked in both of Will's ears and said they looked very clear. He said that right now, he doesn't see the need for tubes. He said it is the end of ear infection season and Will might be outgrowing them. I was pretty surprised; I expected him to say that we definitely needed to get some tubes in those ears. But, for now, we wait! If Will has another ear infection in the near future, we will reconsider the tubes. We also learned more about the procedure (he showed us some pictures), so we feel better about it if we do need to pursue that in the future. He also told us more about allergy testing if it looks like we need to do that later on, too. It was a good visit, with good news--praise God!

Thank you to everyone who has been praying for Will and his little ears; they are working!


Blogger Kathy said...

That's great! Congratulations on the good news.

9:50 PM  
Blogger Marta said...

So glad that your news was good!! Hope your little guy feels 100% better soon!

11:18 PM  
Blogger Josh said...

Glad that Will is feeling better. I had tubes when I was a little guy and also the allergies. What cleared me up was getting my tonsils removed when I was 5 or so. Since then I've been clean, fit, clear, and cute as a whislte...ok so maybe I'm not fit:).

2:48 PM  

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