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Thursday, January 19, 2006

He's Gaining Weight!!!

We weighed Will on the doctor's scales today and he weighs 15 lbs and 11.2 ounces. For those of you keeping score at home, here is a list of some of the previous weigh-ins:
January 3rd -14lb 13 ounces
January 9th -15 lb 3 ounces
He has gained a 1/2 pound since last week :) Yea! He finally decided that he loves eating "solid" food and cannot get enough of it. He looks like a little baby bird when he eats, sitting there with his mouth wide open. Last night he tried stove-top stuffing off of Lauren's plate and really liked that :)
Here is a link to the Center for Disease Control's website with its growthcharts.


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