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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Tiny Teeth

Well, it's official...after waiting and drooling and gnawing and chewing, Will has teeth. Almost! Tonight we felt bumps and saw pearly white heads peeking through his gums.
We were kind of surprised because he hasn't been abnormally upset recently. He was just a little fussy. Although, this picture looks otherwise! He just didn't like having his lip pulled down. If you look really closely, you can see a little bloody spot where it's coming through.


Blogger Terri said...

Look at those pearly whites :) Watch out mommy! What a great way to share news and pictures!! Ya'll have a great day, I'll talk to you later.

Will's Nana

1:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will is precious and s-o-o-o-o cute! Your blog is a great idea. I am glad you are enjoying the blessing God has given you! We love you!
The Reeds in Beaumont

8:51 PM  

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