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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Long Overdue Holiday Photos!

--In Milton, FL--
Will loved his Mr. Potato Head. He really loved putting the glasses on and taking them off.

Uncle Trey gave Will lots of Disney books! Thank you!

Reading on the go.

Watching TV with Great-Grandma Connie.

--In Katy--

Will with his favorite toy -- the tricycle that Santa brought him.

Another favorite toy of Will's--the Little People Garage--from Nana and Grandpa.

Kendall and Staci putting the garage together. (Staci is Kendall's girlfriend).

Will and Kendall being silly on Christmas morning. You can't really tell, but Will is laughing hysterically.

The clan in front of the extremely large and ornately decorated tree at church. From left to right: Dad/Grandpa, Mom/Nana, Will, Scott, Lauren, Kendall, and Staci.


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