Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Say Cheese!

"Cheese!" New pictures, as promised to Nana...

This one is blurry, but it's still cute! Notice the bowl and shredded cheese all over the floor in the background. I gave Will some to snack on because he seemed to like the few pieces I'd handed to him while I cooked tonight. He seemed to enjoy dumping it all over the floor much more than eating it!

What a cute pair!

Here he is examining the butterfly on my shirt.

Will's favorite new word is "want." Here, he is saying that new word and pointing to one of several cups that were awaiting the dishwasher.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks!!!!! That hit the spot, so cute :) That word was one of your favorites, too; though, I think you were a tween when you used it most.

Can't wait to squeeze on him myself in a couple of weeks xxxoooxx

8:30 PM  

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